Blockchain Employment Demand Strongest in Shenzhen, Beijing Home to over Quarter of Blockchain Professionals


A new report indicates that demand for blockchain professionals is strongest in the southern tech hub of Shenzhen, yet more talent is concentrated on the other side of the country in Beijing.

On 1 November Togo Career (智联招聘) released the “2019 Blockchain Talent Demand and Development Report” (2019年区块链人才供需与发展报告).

The report indicates that in the third quarter of 2019 recruitment demand for blockchain professionals was strongest in the cities of Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing, accounting for 21.07%, 16.07% and 13.9% of advertised positions respectively.

Guangzhou and Chengdu followed closely behind, accounting for 5.79% and 5.34% of advertised positions.

According to the report the average monthly salary for the blockchain sector has remained at around 16,000 yuan for the past two years.

While demand for blockchain professionals was strongest, Beijing was home to the largest number of blockchain professionals, at over a quarter of the national total.

Top 10 Chinese Cities for Blockchain Professionals

Beijing 28.88%
Shenzhen 15.92%
Shanghai 12.19%
Chengdu 5.29%
Hangzhou 5.03%
Guangzhou 4.41%
Wuhan 2.04%
Xi’an 1.97%
Chongqing 1.85%
Nanjing 1.79%

Figures courtesy of Togo Career’s “2019 Blockchain Talent Demand and Development Report” (2019年区块链人才供需与发展报告)