70% of Chinese Mobile Payments Users Use Mobile Payments on a Daily Basis


A new report indicates that the majority of Chinese mobile payments users use their phones for payments purposes on a daily basis.

The “2019 Mobile Payments User Survey Report” (2019年移动支付用户问卷调查报告) released by the Payment & Clearing Association of China (中国支付清算协会) on 5 January collected a total of 153,950 responses on usage behaviour and preferences, as well as understanding of biometrics.

According to the report males account for 62.1% of mobile payments users, and women just 37.9%, consistent with the figures for 2018.

The age structure of mobile payments users shifted considerably last year, with Chinese aged 31 – 50 accounting for over half of mobile payments users in 2019, as compared to 2018 when 21 – 30 year olds approached 50%

Chinese Mobile Payments Users by Age

Age Group20182019
Under 206.1%2.4%
21 – 30 48.1%27.4%
31 – 40 27.6%30.8%
41 – 50 13.3%22.6%
51 – 60 5.0%11.3%
61 + 5.5%

The report further indicates that 69.6% of Chinese mobile payments users make use of mobile payments on a daily basis, while 96.2% use them on a weekly basis.

68.6 % of Chinese mobile payments users have monthly incomes of between 3000 – 10,000 yuan in 2019, as compared to 64.6% in 2018.

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