Beijing Calls for Application of IoT, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence to Chinese Agriculture


Beijing has issued a new directive calling for the greater application of new technologies such as the blockchain to China’s agriculture sector.

On 2 February the Chinese central government issued the “CCP Central Committee and State Council Opinions Concerning Effectively Seizing Key Work in the ‘Three Agricultures’ Sphere, and Ensuring the Achievement of Comprehensive health on Schedule” (中共中央 国务院关于抓好“三农”领域重点工作确保如期实现全面小康的意见).

The Opinions outline a range of measures to apply technology to China’s agriculture sector, including:

  • Establishing an agriculture and rural village big data centre based on existing resources;
  • Accelerating the application of modern information technologies to the agricultural sector, including the Internet of Things, big data, the blockchain, artificial intelligence and 5G mobile;
  • Undertaking state rural village digitisation trials (数字乡村试点).

The Opinions also call for the prompt launch of a raft of major hydrological projects, and the acceleration of work on infrastructure to send water from southern China to the north of the country.

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