Ministry of Commerce Drives Integration of Blockchain Technology into Chinese Supply Chains


China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) led the release of the “Notice Concerning Further Effectively Performing Trial Work for Supply Chain Innovations and Applications” (关于进一步做好供应链创新与应用试点工作的通知) with seven other authorities on 10 April.

The Notice calls for “accelerating the push for and assistance to leading supply chain enterprises and enterprises that have a major influence on global supply chains to resume work and production,” as well as “strengthening coordination between upstream and downstream supply chain enterprises, and assisting enterprises to resolve real challenges in terms of technology, equipment, capital and raw materials.”

The Notice also calls for driving the “digitisation and smart development” of supply chains, with trial enterprises required to “actively accelerate the integrated application of new technologies in the supply chain sphere including the Internet of Things, big data, the blockchain, 5G and artificial intelligence.”

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