Zhong Shanshan, Zhang Yiming and Robin Zeng Top 2022 List of China’s Richest


Beverage tycoon Zhong Shanshan (钟睒睒) and ByteDance founder Zhang Yiming (张一鸣) have retained their positions as China’s two richest men, according to the latest Hurun list of the Richest People in China.

According to the list released on 8 November, Zhong Shanshan, founder and chairperson of the Nongfu Spring beverage company, is currently China’s richest man with wealth of approximately 445 billion yuan, for a rise of 17% compared to last year.

Zhang Yiming founder of TikTok developer ByteDance, came in second place, with personal wealth of 254 billion yuan, for a 28% decline.

Robin Zeng Yuqun (曾毓群), founder and chair of battery maker Contemporary Amperex Technology, took third place with wealth of 230 billion yuan, for a 28% decline, while the Li Ka-shing (李嘉诚) family of Hong Kong came in fourth with 220 billion yuan in wealth.

Pony Ma Huateng (马化腾), founder of tech giant Tencent, took fourth place with wealth of 215 billion yuan, for a 32% decline and his lowest ranking in a decade.

The family of Alibaba’s Jack Ma saw its position on the Hurun rich list drop to 9th, with a 29% decline in wealth to 180 billion yuan.