Cross-border E-commerce Transactions See 25% YoY Rise in First Half


A new report points to roaring growth in China’s cross-border e-commerce market since the start of 2018.

The “2018 (First Half) China Cross-border E-commerce Market Data Monitoring Report” (2018年(上)中国跨境电商市场数据监测报告) indicates that China saw 4.5 trillion yuan in cross-border e-commerce transactions in the first half of the year, for a year-on-year rise of 25%.

According to the report e-commerce exports accounted for 77.1% of China’s cross-border e-commerce transactions in 2018, while imports comprised a 22.9% share.

State media said that the share of imports is expected to rise further following the launch of new policies by the State Council in June to support growth in e-commerce imports, as well as the establishment of 22 cross-border e-commerce comprehensive trial zones (跨境电子商务综合试验区), as part of efforts to “foster stable growth in foreign trade and raise international competitiveness.”