MIIT Unveils Six Key Measures for Accelerating Development of China’s Industrial Internet


China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has launched a new raft of measures for expediting the growth of its Industrial Internet (II).

On 20 March MIIT’s office released the “Notice Concerning Driving the Accelerated Development of the Industrial Internet” (关于推动工业互联网加快发展的通知), which is comprised of the “Five Accelerations and One Expansion” (“五个加快”“一个加大”).

Measures outlined by the Notice include:

  1. Acceleration of the establishment of new infrastructure. Improving and upgrading II internal and external networks. Driving telecommunications infrastructure enterprises to build high-quality external networks that cover all of China’s cities, and creating 20 enterprise II external network high-quality service plans. Encouraging industrial enterprises to upgrade and improve their II internal networks, creating 10 branch networks, driving 100 key leading industrial enterprises and 1000 local backbone enterprises to undertake II internal network upgrades. Encouraging local governments to arrange for 1 – 3 industrial enterprises and telecoms infrastructure enterprises to engage in in-depth connection and cooperation, and use 5G to transform the internal networks of II. Create high-quality park networks, and guide 5G technology in vertical industry integration innovations.
  2. Accelerate integrated innovation applications, such as driving enterprises to employ cloud platforms. Driving enterprises to accelerate the use of clouds for industrial equipment, and transfer their business systems to the cloud. Accelerating the development an application of cloud-based software for various scenarios. Expanding the reach and strength of digitised tools for small and medium-sized businesses, and reducing the threshold for enterprise digitisation. Accelerating the schedule for digitised model shifts.
  3. Acceleration of improvements to the security system. For example, establishing a graded enterprise security management system. Unveiling grade and category-based guidelines for II enterprise internet security, formulating security and prevention system standards, undertaking grade and category based trials for II enterprises, forming key enterprise lists and implementing differentiated regulation.
  4. Acceleration of improvements to innovative development drivers. In-depth implementation of the “5G+ Industrial Internet” 512 project. Guiding various actors to establish five public services platforms, and provide II internal network upgrade and design, consultation, monitoring and verification services too enterprises. Selecting 5 key integrated development sectors, uncovering 10 classical application scenarios, and outlining sustainable, replicable and broadly applicable innovation models and development paths.
  5. Acceleration of improvements to industrial ecosystem arrangements. This includes expediting coordinated regional development of II. Encouraging various regions to integrate regional traits and industry advantages to create a cohort of demonstration zones whose industrial advantages are complementary, whose coordination effects are pronounced, and whose radiating capabilities are strong. Continue to drive the establishment of the Yangtze River Delta as a demonstration zone for II integrated development.
  6. Expand policy support vigour.

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