Coronavirus Vaccine Trial in Wuhan Has Proven Successful According to Peer-Reviewed Lancet Report


A peer-reviewed report points to the success of initial trials on humans test subjects in Wuhan of a Novel Coronavirus vaccine.

On 16 March the first stage of clin­i­cal tri­als of a COVID-19 re­com­bi­nant vac­cine com­menced in the Hubei-province cap­i­tal of Wuhan where the dis­ease first emerged. 

The vac­cine was de­vel­oped by a team led by epi­demi­ol­o­gist Chen Wei (陈薇) from the Acad­emy of Mil­i­tary Med­ical Sci­ences, with the in­volve­ment of Hong Kong-listed CanSino Bio-B. 

A peer-reviewed report published by The Lancet now points to the initial success of the trial.

“This first-in-human trial showed that the Ad5 vectored COVID-19 vaccine was tolerable and immunogenic in healthy adults,” said the report.

“Humoral responses against SARS-CoV-2 peaked at day 28 post-vaccination in healthy adults, and rapid specific T-cell responses were noted from day 14 post-vaccination.

“One dose of the vaccine at all dose concentrations (5 × 1010, 1 × 1011, and 1·5 × 1011 viral particles) tested induced both specific antibody and T-cell responses in most participants. Rapid specific T-cell responses were noted at day 14 and specific humoral responses against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 peaked at day 28 post-vaccination. “

The trial involves a to­tal of 108 trial par­tic­i­pants, with a re­search and ob­ser­va­tion pe­riod of at least six months. 

China recently completed work on the world’s largest vaccine plant with an annual capacity of 100 million doses. The plant will be dedicated to the production of COVID-19 vaccines.

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