Hebei Province Hopes to Create 20 “Blockchain Champions” by End of 2022


The northern Chinese province of Hebei has just launched an ambitious new blockchain development plan which envisages the creation of 20 leading blockchain-related enterprises by the end of 2022.

The Hebei Province government recently issued the “Hebei Province Blockchain Specialist Action Plan (2020 – 2022)” (河北省区块链专项行动计划(2020-2022年)) in early August.

The Plan has the goals of “strengthening blockchain theoretical and technological research and development, accelerating the establishment of a blockchain industry ecosystem, raising blockchain application and management ability, driving the rapid, healthy and orderly development of the Hebei Province blockchain sector, and providing a vigorous support to the creation of a modernised Hebei economic system.”

Goals outlined by the Plan for the end of 2022 include

  • The creation of 20 “champion” and “dragon’s head” enterprises in blockchain-related fields;
  • The cultivation of a raft of blockchain application products, and endeavouring to create 1 – 3 nationally renowned blockchain brands;
  • The formation of 3 blockchain industry cluster parks that possess regional influence;
  • A blockchain industry whose competitive capability is at the national forefront.

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