Alibaba Launches New Data Company to the West of Beijing


Tech giant Alibaba has announced the launch of a new tech company in the Hebei province city of Zhangjiakou to the immediate west of Beijing.

Data from Tianyancha (天眼查) indicates that Alibaba registered a new company on 6 August called “Alibaba Jingxi Information Technology Co., Ltd. (阿里巴巴京西信息科技有限公司).

Alibaba Jingxi’s legal representative is Zhou Ming (周明) – Alibaba Group Vice President responsible for infrastructure affairs, while Feng Yunle (冯云乐) serves as its chief supervisor.

Alibaba Jingxi has registered capital of 500 million yuan and is 100% owned by Alibaba China, while its business scope encompasses “IT technology development, technical services and consulting,” as well as “electronic product sales.

Alibaba Cloud said via its official WeChat account that the purpose of Alibaba Jingxi was to serve as a “new tech data centre and base,” and that its name of “Jingxi” (“Capital West” ) was a reference to its location in Zhangjiakou, just to the west of Beijing.

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