Beijing Calls for Use of 5G, Blockchain and Big Data to Drive Growth in Smart Manufacturing


A slew of China’s top central government bodies have issued a new directive calling for the increased use of emerging technologies to drive the growth of the country’s smart manufacturing sector.

The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) recently led the issuance of the “Opinions Concerning Accelerating the High-quality growth of the Manufacturing Services Sector” (关于加快推动制造服务业高质量发展的意见) in cooperation with a slew of other agencies including the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The Opinions call for the use of 5G technology, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and the blockchain to “vigorously develop smart manufacturing, achieve targeted and high-efficiency allocation of supply and demand, and expedite fundamental reforms to the growth models and enterprise types for the manufacturing sector.”

They also call for “accelerating the development of enterprise software and the Industrial Internet of Things,” and the creation of platforms for the joint sharing of designs and data, in order to “drive the manufacturing sector to achieve high efficiency usage of resources and joint sharing of value.”