Shanghai Data Exchange Launches China’s First Digital Assets Board


The Shanghai Data Exchange (SDE) has launched the first official board in China for the trading of digital assets.

SDE announced the launch of the Digital Assets Board (数字资产板块) on 24 August, which it billed as a “new board for the reconstitution of the digital assets system, and the creation of in-depth integration between digital assets and the real economy.”

“Huili DESIGN – Yuannian” (回力DESIGN-元年) is the first digital asset to make its debut on the SDE Digital Assets Board.

The asset was jointly issued by the renowned state-owned “Huili” (回力) brand, currently owned by Huayi Brothers, in conjunction with BiliBili, which has created China’s first platform for the issuance of digital assets.

Huili was responsible for the creation of the digital asset while BiliBili acting as the issuance platform, with official sales commencing on 25 August.

As operator of the Digital Assets Board, SDE is responsible for organising asset registration, information releases and issuance guarantees.