10 Chinese Provinces Raise Minimum Wages Levels in 2018


Available data indicates that at least 10 of China’s province-level administrative entities have decided to raise their minimum wage levels for 2018, with proposed increases of at least 7%.

8 province-level entities, including Xinjiang, Liaoning, Jiangxi, Tibet, Guangxi, Shanghai, Yunnan and Shandong, have already lifted their minimum wage levels this year, while Sichuan and Anhui  have both confirmed that increases will be forthcoming later in 2018.

Shanghai has the highest minimum wage after raising it to 2,420 yuan (approx. $378.81), while all of the increases are at least 7%.

The “Notice Concerning Properly Performing Minimum Wage Adjustment Work” (关于做好最低工资标准调整工作的通知) issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security in 2015 requires that all local governments make adjustments to their minimum wage levels at least once every two to three years, based on full consideration of local economic development and enterprise conditions.