Communist Party Press Says Blockchain Professionals Enjoy Million Yuan Salaries


An article published by one of the Chinese Communist Party’s official news outlets is selling the benefits of a career in the blockchain sector to budding professionals.

The article entitled “Blockchain Becomes New Ocean of Employment” (区块链成就业新蓝海) published by the Communist Youth League of China’s official newspaper claims that some Chinese blockchain professionals are already enjoying annual remuneration levels of 1 million yuan (approx. USD$151,000) as a result of a shortage of expertise.

“Corresponding to the surging expansion of industry scope, there is a severe lack of professional talent,” said the article by China Youth Daily reporter Yuan Ye (袁野).

“Because blockchains have only been hot for two or three years, schools and educational institutions have yet to catch up, and related courses are extremely rare.

“Is it true that there are members of the blockchain sector who enjoy ‘million year salaries?’ Data from mainstream recruitment websites would indicate this is indeed the case.

“For example, Suning provides monthly salaries of between 50,000 and 100,000 yuan for ‘experienced blockchain developers,’ while Keda Group offers a monthly salary of between 85,000 and 100,000 yuan for a ‘blockchain R&D chief supervisor.’

“However, Alihealth provides a monthly salary of between 15,000 and 30,000 for a ‘blockchain technical expert, and a position as ‘blockchain technical assessor’ with CAICT will provide a salary of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan.

“From this we can see that salaries in the blockchain sector are polarised….core technical staff usually enjoy annual salaries of 150,000 yuan, while the experienced ‘big bulls’ can certainly enjoy annual salaries of over 1 million yuan, alongside equity and options incentives.”

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