Baidu Xuperchain Launches Open Network


Chinese internet search giant has announced the launch of its open blockchain network.

On 6 January Baidu Xuperchain (百度超级链) officially launched its “Open Network” (开放网络) which it says is “based upon a foundational blockchain services network created using open-source technology completely and independently developed by Baidu.”

According to Baidu the Xuperchain Open Network is comprised of “super-alliance nodes” which are scattered throughout China and satisfy national standards.

This will “provide users with a rapid deployments and operations environment for blockchain applications, and flexible payments for computing and storage resources, which will directly reduce user deployment and operations costs.

As compared to BaaS platforms, Baidu Xuperchain will enable users to directly use blockchain services and calculate fees flexibly, helping to reduce costs.

In May 2019 Baidu Xuperchain officially made its independently developed blockchain technology open source.

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