Securities Professionals Biggest Earners in China’s Financial Sector at USD$66,600 Per Annum


The securities sector has emerged as the most well-paid area of China’s overall financial industry.

Figures released by financial data provider Wind on 27 April indicate that average salaries in China’s securities sector were 471,000 yuan (approx. USD$66,600) in 2019.

The banking sector took second place in terms of financial industry remuneration at 389,600 yuan per annum, followed by the insurance sector at 253,700 yuan.

Out of the top seven financial institutions in China providing the highest average salaries six were brokerages while only one was a bank.

China’s top seven financial institutions in terms of average salary

Financial InstitutionAverage Salary in 2019 (yuan)
CITIC Securities790,200
Huatai Securities 736,500
Haitong Securities676,100
China Merchant Securities637,200
Dongfang Securities633,200
Sinolink Securities614,800
China Zheshang Bank602,900

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