Huawei Seeks to Apply Blockchain Technology to Sharing of Medical Data During Coronavirus Outbreak


Chinese tech giant Huawei is touting the use of blockchain technology to drive efforts to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Zhang Xiaojun (张小军), senior supervisor of Huawei’s blockchain team, said that Huawei is hopes to apply blockchain technology to the sharing of medical treatment information and the management of charitable donations.

“Huawei is currently in discussions with government departments and hospitals,” said Zhang.

“We hope that we can use blockchain to the best of our ability to achieve greater transparency for charitable donations and establish public charity chains, to permit the control, management and inspection of information flows.”

“The establishment of nodes at key entities such as government departments, hospitals and charitable organisations, as well as the use of digital tokens to perform tracking and management, will make each transaction clear and transparent.”

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